Nos tomó un poco más tiempo de lo planeado, pero finalmente hemos dado de alta la versión en español de nuestro sitio web. Hemos tratado de resumir en estas páginas quiénes somos, qué hacemos y cómo lo hacemos. Esperamos que el material sea informativo y de interés. Comentarios y sugerencias son siempre bienvenidas!
Continue ReadingStrengthening our supply chain design and optimization capabilities
From classical strategic network studies to the implementation of fully integrated Opti-Net™ solutions, the bulk of our work focuses on supply chain strategy, design and optimization topics. We are continuously looking for new ideas, approaches and concepts to improve on what we do, and adding Dr. Alan Saipe (Saipe and Associates) as a consulting associate of our firm clearly falls within this category.
Continue ReadingOptimizing the flow of salsas and other goodies in the Mexican market
Learn how Opti-NetTM helped us model and optimize the supply chain of this well-known Mexican manufacturer of salsas and other goodies.
Continue ReadingAnother busy year @ US Cold Storage
Technologix and US Cold Storage have developed a very unique and rich business relationship over the past 20 years. Our firm provides US Cold Storage SaaS support, driven by a customized routing simulation and optimization model that has been developed specifically for them.
Continue ReadingThe brand new version of Opti-Net™ is ready to rock!
After many months of hard work we are happy to announce the release of version 5.0 of Opti-Net™ , our supply chain planning and optimization development platform. In this post we describe what was changed and also what was kept exactly the way it has always been.
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